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How to Nail Corporate Gifting

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In the course of a lifetime, the average American has 9 branded totes tucked somewhere under the kitchen sink, 4 logo-emblazoned mugs or thermoses in the back of their cabinets, 2 hideous coasters plastered with logos lost under their couch, and has thrown away approximately 6 keychains that they received, but never asked for (or wanted.)  

Okay, we totally made this up.  But can’t you relate? 

If you don’t believe us, the data speaks for itself: according to the 2018 Alyce Corporate Gifting Survey, satisfaction with corporate gifts is quite low. In fact, 88% of people surveyed said they would exchange a corporate gift for something more suited to their interests. 

While that may come at no surprise, ninety percent of people don’t want to receive typical swag as a gift, and 23% of people who receive branded swag toss it right in the garbage, too. 

But corporate gifts DO in fact matter. And when it comes to corporate gifts for clients or customers,  70% of respondents said that uniquely picked gifts would encourage them to continue to do business. So, it’s important to do it, and do it right. 

Don’t worry, we’re here to help you.

Instead of wasting your company’s money by handing out another mass-produced, logo-ed up piece of plastic, here are some ways to nail your corporate gifts this season.

Everyone Loves a Good Theme
Uniquely themed gifts are coherent and seem extra thoughtful. They’re sure to strike a chord with the recipient — just make sure the theme is relevant to or showcases your business or company. 

If your company or brand naturally lends itself to a theme then go with it! Don’t reinvent the wheel. 

But if you can’t think of a good theme, one that is very popular and works regardless of the business or season, is relaxation or a“rest and recharge” focus - because who wouldn’t want some relaxing treats and items that promote self-care? ( After all, a well cared for employee or customer is a happy one!)

 A “cheers” theme is great for a celebratory occasion, perhaps those employees who have met their sales goals or are celebrating a big milestone. Celebrate with unique items like confetti poppers and champagne flavored candy rather than a standard (and cheap) bottle of bubbly.

Eco-friendly is also major trend right now - what better way to show your company is conscious of the environment by gifting reusable straws or drink tumblers in eco-friendly packaging? 

2019 Eco-Themed Box for a Client

And, everyone loves local items. A “shop local” theme shows you’re supporting local businesses or artists in your community and is a great way to support smaller entrepreneurs while finding unique items that have meaning at the same time.

Mind Your Budget
It’s easy to blow your budget, and it’s also easy to be a little too “cheap.” It’s important to consult an expert (or your accountant) on what your target budget should be, and then stay within it!  Don’t skimp, but don’t splurge. Sometimes even just one beautiful gift item with a thoughtful note and branded packaging looks chicer than an entire gift basket. Think Goldilocks! 

Add the Element of Surprise
Shipping gifts right to the recipient’s office or home makes your gift even more of a pleasant and unexpected surprise that can brighten up their day. In a day and age where we’ve become accustomed to instant gratification, surprises are hard to come by. Plus, everyone loves receiving snail mail and packages, especially when they’re full of great, quality gifts!

People Love Personalization
If you have an opportunity to personalize the gift — perhaps with a monogram, custom printed tags, or a thoughtful handwritten note — DO IT! It’s these types of actions that impress and stand out in the recipient’s mind long after the gift is given, and are a nod to your valued, personal relationships.  

What’s On The Outside Matters
This isn’t a person we’re talking about here — it’s a gift. So yes, the packaging is almost as important as the gift itself. People DO, in fact, judge gifts by their covers. So ensure it arrives in a pretty package, wrapped and packed with care. Chic, beautiful packaging goes a long way and helps push the recipient to share their gift on social media as well.  

Be Practical
Practical gifts are often the most appreciated so when selecting your item(s) be sure to think of how often the average person might use it. Candles, quality self-care items like lotions or skincare, and sweet treats are things nearly everyone can, and will enjoy using. Just steer clear from slapping your logo all over it.  It not only cheapens the notion but also makes it less likely to actually be used. Think outside of the box (or in our case, inside the Happy Box) as there are other ways to work your branding like by including custom cards or with chic mail packaging, 

The Bottom Line
While the corporate gift process can sometimes seem like a chore during an already hectic time of year, try to embrace the true intentions behind gifting — showing appreciation, cultivating and fostering relationships and improving your overall business.

Of course, it’s an expense but if you think of it as an investment in your businesses’ future and in your company’s culture it can be quite exciting. Seize the opportunity, do it the right way with the right intentions, and you’ll naturally obtain the results that you’re hoping for.

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