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5 Reasons Corporate Gifting is Great for Business

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There’s no question that fostering relationships is an important part of ANY business, whether it’s internally with your employees or externally with partners, clients, and customers. 

According to a recent corporate gifting study cited by Forbes, more than 80% said gifts have improved relationships with employees and/or clients, with 48% saying gifting delivered a substantial benefit. Key substantial benefits include: making the recipient feel valued, improved customer loyalty, and improved employee retention.

We’ve put together a list of 5 really simple reasons why corporate gifting is great for business, no matter what industry you’re in.

  1. A physical gift is memorable and stands out. In a world of text, slack, and email, a physical surprise in the mail versus just another digital message really goes a long way. There is a simple joy in unwrapping a gift that makes the recipient feel more connected to the sender, and 70% of consumers say they feel more valued when they receive physical mail versus an email.
  2. A good gift gets instagrammed/shared, driving the reach of your company, brand, product or service. Tips to make something unique enough to instagram? Build a gift box that has a strong theme: either the contents in the box are all for a specific purpose/activity or even just making the box all a consistent color scheme. In the card explain why you specifically selected each item!
  3. A good gift adds another engagement/touchpoint opportunity for you to chat with clients and prospects. There’s a great chance the recipient will reach out to you to thank you for the gesture, providing an opportunity to re-engage a conversation with them.
  4. A good corporate gift reminds prospects of you and your offerings. Be sure to include why you’re gifting: because you appreciate their partnership, to congratulate them on a big  career win, because you had a great quarter together, etc. Make sure to include something that makes them think about all the positive in their relationship with you.
  5. A thoughtful gift makes employees/clients feel appreciated. While many employees have been working remotely, team and company connection and culture have suffered. Sending a surprise gift in the mail to your remote team shows you’ve spent time and invested in an additional way. 

Need help with your corporate gifting? Check out all of Happy Box's corporate gift offerings as well as our 2021 Corporate Holiday Gifting Lookbook for all the solutions we have to offer. 

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