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Virtual Date Ideas

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Written By: Caitlyn Conville / @cat_lyn99 

Whether youre in a long-distance relationship or you and your significant other are quarantining separately, this year has familiarized everyone with virtual dating! Lucky for you, Happy Box and all of our awesomely unique items are here to make sure that your virtual dates are as interactive and intimate as they can be.

So quick, open Zoom and lets get started with some long distance date ideas! 

A Flippin’ Good Morning
Nothing quite stacks up to treating your love to breakfast in bed, even if youre miles apart and they have to make it themselvesthe sweet sentiment is still there!

Send yourself and your partner matching custom gift boxes for a brekky date one morning, complete with pancake mix and rich maple syrup. Happy Box has just starting stocking fun fall flavors for all your pumpkin spice breakfast needs!

Set up your laptops in the kitchen and compete to see whos the master pancake flipper, then write sappy love notes for each other in syrup, all without ever changing out of your PJs!

Keep Calm And Get Your Spa On
Now that youve got a social distancing date idea for the morning, you need one for the evening! And an at-home spa is just the right way to treat yourself and your beloved after an exhausting day of being apart.

From sheet masks to body butter to bath bombs, Happy Box has all the luxurious products you could want for a relaxing night in. Theres even a bro maskto convince your manly fella to do a sheet mask with you (and secretly take screenshots)!

Alcohol You Later
Do both of your time zones sync up for happy hour? Then let Happy Box propose a toast to celebrate!

Whether you play a drinking game during a movie, or just sit, sip and enjoy each others company, this virtual date idea proves you dont need to go to the bar to have a good time.

Happy Box has plenty of cocktail mixers and syrups to choose from, and even a cute, helpful hangover kit so you can show your sweetheart a little extra care the next day.

Technically its not drinking alone if your partners on the other side of the screen!

Hindsight 2020
November 3rd might just be the end of the world, so we might as well party, am I right?

Help your dearest prepare for Election Night with a survival kit from Happy Box. We have funny political-themed cocktail picks and comfy gym socks that proudly proclaim I Vote for Snacks,because clearly theyre the best candidate. Maybe throw in something to craft a drink for good measure.

The two of you can spend your virtual date updating each other on the election results and looking up plane tickets to Canada.

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